Swamp Up or Sit Down

Swamp Up or Sit Down!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


The Best Rapper Alive is Rick Ross.

Updates on #Grams, SwampUp.com and Merch coming soon.

Chairman Roe

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Moment of Clarity.

I'd like to say I've made all the mistakes I'm gonna make in my first year alone. I have a little experience, wisdom, focus and a new determination. I have a blueprint. I have a team. I have a conceivable product. I have legal issues. Regardless of all else, I have made strides. That's what brings peace.

Peace. Sometimes we neglect the quiet moments, because we may actually get answers for why our dreams are so distant, if existent. Best not to run. A dance with your own mind can be rewarding: enter the inner sactum and wrestle with fear. Due to your weakness, there will always be a new opponent. Mind your attitude and keep wise initiative at the front. Independence is the goal, but interdependence is our strength.