Swamp Up or Sit Down

Swamp Up or Sit Down!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Orenthal James

What's the dealings?

Current Vibe: Cheap "Inexpensive" Kroger-brand popsicles (Honeydew & Cantaloupe!) and Craig Mack's debut album. The beats on this joint are ridiculous. Puff wasn't playing.

While my beloved State of Ohio did (eventually) act more responsibly than Missouri in investigating the death of John Crawford, they also shifted the blame on the idiot "witness" who embellished his account of John's activities, which probably had the officers turn't up and ready to enact a mission on Rainbow 6. So once again, justice eludes the people of pigment. My condolences to his family and I wish the best kind of Karma upon the young man who called the police.

This Craig Mack album definitely needed features, ideally from Redman, B.I.G. & Busta Rhymes. I would've been pissed had I bought this album and the "Flava In Ya Ear" Remix wasn't included ON the CD. Thank God for Spotify.

Back to me... I pursued two of my former jobs this week. I was successful at what I wanted to accomplish with both,  however I was only reinstated at one of them. Regardless, the other hasn't heard the last of me either. In both cases, the fight felt more relevant than the victory. Instead of accepting what I was told, I fought for my dignity and integrity. That is a valuable lesson within itself. In the same vein, I went to my alma mater to investigate my options for a graduate certificate. I didn't get far, but I did make successful contact to follow up with. The University has made a lot of advances in it's Student Communications outlets since my graduation. Most of these, I suggested and presented, in writing, with the idea that it would be my part of my graduate endeavor to implement them. Instead, I was dismissed with a smile and a knife to the back. Since then, I've let a lot of hate fester for the system. I've watched as my ideas, which were ahead of their time in 2009, became now the new wave (specifically: podcasting and internet radio). I suppose maturity is being able to let go of the need for credit and realizing that actualization is the goal. Maybe the latent hate is what I needed to become who I am supposed to be. Had I gotten what I "deserved" and continued on my double decade-long success streak (consistently winning in academia and employment from age 5 to 25), I would have no connection to "real" struggle. Humble beginnings and broken families are beyond our control. However, when you have your character & livelihood attacked because you are easily brilliant (and therefore, perhaps unable to be humble about it) the rabid dog arises in you. The hibernating violence in your personality arises and you realize that you've come too far to carry out physical revenge. That would be the easy way out. Let's discover how can we make these motherfuckers die breathing?

I hope Young Joseph enjoys his cell. I'll be at the mall: working for RadioShack.

*evil laughter*

"You think you can steal my shit...?! I want all my stuff."

- Frogger

Monday, September 15, 2014

Day One

Young Dro's first Gangsta Grillz mixtape was straight flames.

This weekend was simply excellent. I checked in with my circle and there are some big things in motion. Despite what the struggle may present at face value, we can see purposes aligning underneath the surface. It's exciting, to say the least. This weekend was an emotional one for me, in a good way. Usually 9/11 makes me sad, due to the anniversary of my Father's passing. This year, I just made it an epic #TBT kept my spirit light. I'm very appreciative of the people in my inner circle. I see who they are a little more clearly as well as how GOD has drawn us together. I am eternally grateful and humbled. The key is to keep grinding, head down, staying hungry and humble: FOCUSED. I'm going to continue to try to break & build habits in my personal space, but this little journey was about rebuilding my chops and confidence as a writer. While I didn't deliver EVERYDAY, as was the ideal, making a conscious effort to reach out and provide content for the void was powerful. I hope I've managed to grab your attention. The mic is on and I know I have something to say. I promise it will be eloquent, however disorganized. Work with me.

I also came up with a slew of subjects to blog about this weekend: Hip Hop & White Privilege, Comparing The Blueprint & Graduation (as they both came out on 9/11) Biggie's Ready to Die and The Effect of 2Pac's Death. I'll need those, as I am now in the last 15 minutes of my 21 Day turnaround and I (am supposed to) now have a grip on what(ever it is) I'm doing here.

A "Frogman" is an old school term for a Marine Unit. I suppose I'll just have to stay low, keep firing, kill everything and let The Lord sort it out.

- @ChairmanFrog

Day 7

Makaveli: Rest In Peace...

(7 Days,  2nd Week in September...? Y'all ain't real.)

Over the course of the past week, mulling over these events and the general climate of the times we seem to be facing made me feel jaded. To what? Simply put: saving the world. Ideally, I have about 90 years left (maximum) on this planet. If it was left up to the Toledo Police Department, it may be 90 days. I reiterate from Day 17: I'm really just trying to get some money out this fucker before my time runs out.

...but how will I do that? My mission is all I have. Why give up when you can monetize it?

So I'm reloaded. What is the target?

Today (or yesterday, as this has spilled into the early morning) I forgot what my Twitter bio said. I used to use it to brag that I was "an MC", "a Revolutionary", maybe some humorous or personality-defining quip. Those felt like posturing (in a bad way) and so I simplified it. Currently, it reads: "Hip Hop, Horticulture, Natural Capitalism & Apple Products". This may seem oversimplified, but I've always believed that Law #4 was golden. At least in theory, if not in practice... In fact, it is a familial legend that I was assumed to be deaf and dumb until I was almost 3 years old. One night, my mother told me she loved me as she laid me tucked me in, as was her custom. At this point, she assumed I was deaf due to my lack of response. However, for whatever reason, this night I decided to share: "I know, Mommy. You tell me every night."

She was elated then, but the under-spoken smart-ass has since worn in his welcome.

I'm on 3rd episode of Cosmos, and it's helping to put my short time as a physically manifested organism in perspective.  I'm more than just an 80's Baby, an Ohioan or a victim of racist oppression. The journey is to fight to define oneself for the ages, outside of the constructs of society.  I could parallel two of my heroes: James Brown & Steve Jobs, and though society would place them in different  trades, classes and categories, I consider them both of an equal level of Genius. The irony: combined use of the gifts they left me allow me to create with hopes of finding my "place in the sun".

It's bigger than me. So We All May Prosper.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

MMP: 8 Years Strong (Day 3)

This is the Tequila Talking:

I don't know what I was thinking when I chose the sequence of these numbers...

I've refrained from talking about rappers, but I will throw this in as a positive note. In a recent conversation with DJ Divine1 and my good friends, the Wright Brothers (Charles & Dwight) we listed our Top 5. We listed albums and hottest current (excluding super veteran/legenday) rappers. I finished my rapper list, but not my albums list, for two reasons. I've said it on Twitter and I'll say it now: (Majority vote decided that day) The Documentary is more a classic (and generally harder) Hip Hop album than Good Kid, Maad City could ever be. I'm not even the biggest fan of The Game or "Street Gang" Culture but that shit was the truth. Maybe I'll write a blog on why and when that day comes, I'll entertain a debate. The point here is that I didn't finish my album list because we decided to watch the DVD that came with the deluxe edition (Reason #1). Reason #2: I got stuck half way through when I realized that (A) it is a much tougher list to make and (B) I wanted to include (non - Hip Hop) albums. When I get how I feel about all that together, it can be another subject for a blog. But for today, in no specific order...
  • Curren$y
  • Rick Ross
  • Wiz Khalifa
  • Jeezy (I originally said Kanye, but promoted him)
...and I gave Drake props, to be split with Lil' Wayne (almost like a GRAMMY song with a feature). I consider Lil' Wayne a legend on his own, and I'm certain Drake will not be able to consistently fill that role. Big Sean unanimously won the 6th Man Award. I've thought about it sense and even felt that if I need someone who can play the post, I'll call in 2 Chainz. Yet I still feel like I'm looking for a star player to round out the line up. As my own man and a MC, that's a beautiful thing.

I'm proud to announce that we are in the final 3 stages of producing the follow up to the very slept on Grams mixtape: Seconds. It's obviously a play on words and sequence who's meaning will be explained via the music & lyrics, as has become the custom. I feel like the backstory of Grams should be told. Actually, there is a blank draft, untouched since October 2013, that is designated for that purpose. I also feel the lyrics from Grams should be posted to RapGenius, even If I'm the only person who reads (let alone decodes) them. I'll get right on that. 3 Days left of breaking these bad habits. We've got planned work and a lot of ideas, so no more stalling. I feel like I can't make music announcements without mentioning the single "OMG (Just Look At What We've Done)". We're hoping to give it a B-Side, "Gator Bait" being the probable choice.

(These are the kind of insights into plans and marketing I'd never write sober.)

I had grand plans when I sat here, but I got 6 hours until work and I haven't been to bed since yesterday. Plus, that feels like I've said enough.

- Frawgy

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 14

Morning Thoughts by Gil Scott Heron is the song I use for my alarm. Today I set it for 6:45am... an ambitious attempt at proactivity, as this is my day off from my (meagerly) paying job. I don't mind it. I'm not a slave to sleep. I usually wake up before 8 (by 9 at the latest) and dive head first into These Tweets before I hit the streets. This is me redirecting that energy.

...and "No, I haven't figured this shit out yet."

Ma Frog (My Mother) hit me with a sermon about everything that's wrong with my life at 1AM. It was timely and convenient, as this is also when I was about to sleep. She'll argue I was scrolling Instagram, but she knows nothing of my process. Mothers have a way to show you the complex factors that lie in what you think is so simple. Because quite simply, I'm broke. Being broke makes me feel trapped. Being trapped makes me feel unhappy. This time last year, I thought I was broke. While I was living check-to-check, I was far from broke or trapped. Good God, what a rude awakening. I suppose that'll be a good subject for today: the levels of poverty (as I see it) & financial intelligence.

I'll take this moment to thank "whatever GOD may be" for my ability to find sustenance. Sustanance meaning "a job when I need one." But I've had jobs since I was 13 years-old. At one point in College, I had 3 at one time (technically, one was off the books) and I always seemed to find favorable employment. That is, it was an impressive position that paid decently. I will not say that "favor" has alluded me for a uncertain period of time, because I had favor at RadioShack until Joseph Blythe showed up to be District Manager. Once again, we're talking about roughly a year ago. Moreover, I feel like I have favor in my current position at Home Depot.

(Every time I mention where I work, I recall Phife's rhyme about his homeboy Steven on Midnight Marauders and wonder what department he worked in.) I digress... I was supposed to be talking about how I feel about fiscal intelligence, huh?

There are things that I want to do: both for and with money, that I need money to do. For those not familiar with business, the term is "Capital". Capital gives to the capacity to operate. It's funny how your mind works when you are an entreprenuer. When you can not operate, you think of a million things you could do to get yourself operational. The figure that plagues my mind is $13,000. I could winterize my studio, set up manufacturing, a distribution network, maybe even finagle a TV slot. Hustler that I am, I could also stretch that money into starting a landscaping service or something like that... (because enough paper is never enough paper).

"Levels of Poverty", right? Let me be clear: I've never ascribed to an impoverished mindstate, and I've seen days where I paid for everything with coins. I think what makes me feel "poor" is that I don't see how I can bridge where I am with where I want to be, career-wise. What makes this troubling is that I'm officially less than half a year from age 30. However, I don't have nearly the anxiety about it that some people I know do, and that in itself is reassuring. While others panic, I sit back and plan it.

Even in writing this, I feel like I'm giving to inaction. In the parts of her sermon that stuck, she said that I'm running from my destiny in a Jonah-esque fashion. I'm sure she would like to see me attend church more (which isn't something I plan to do), but even within that I can see where she has a point. Often I feel like I have way too much fabric, the wedding deadline is swiftly approaching and I have yet to even see the bride. What are her measurements? What are her favorite colors? Will she even love me?

Faith is knowing that GOD said she'll be here soon and that I need to be ready. Faith is trusting that GOD is not a man that he should lie. Ma insists that I know my task list, but I have not been trusting of GOD. Would I trust someone who doesn't trust me? Shit no.

It's true. I do know my task list, and it's so much more complex than "write 24 bars today", "dig in that crate", or "edit this video" that I stress myself into a paralytic combination of anxiety and procrastination. The anxiety causes me to look to the hills for my help, and I get bitter about the W in "So We All May Prosper", and I question my own mantra. Questioning your mantra will make you feel like your life is a lie, and that's never a good place to be.

I think it feels more complex because, hustler that I am, that $13,000 is salacious. It would seem I have an expansive vocabulary, but often I just "kinda know" what a word means. (Side-Note: This has been brought to you by "Holding Back The Years" Radio via iTunes, and "Faith" by George Michael just came on. I can't make this shit up). Anyways, when I looked up salacious, as not to make an ass of myself by assuming, I found it's defining trait was LUST. Trust, that $13,000 has appealed to my lower self. Meaning, I would do things to get it that I wouldn't even think about if I had it.

I've seen (that is, taken note of) a lot of memes centering around the ideal of "Give It To God". In writing this, I realize that while the task list is fully in my control, worrying about the figure of my bride is asinine. Faith is knowing she'll be on time, then working feverishly towards being prepared.

I think that's good for today. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Day 15

Blogger is flawed in it's "save to drafts" method.  Might have to write these joints in Google Drive, then hit that "copy/paste". Then again, I haven't lost anything too substantial, as I still don't know what I'm writing here. I figured that if I keep on it in this "Habit Breaking" period, that I'll be able to weed out the garden and prepare the soil whilst deciding on the right crops, so to speak.

Michael Jackson? The New Jeezy album? Get On Up! or Dawn of the Planet of The Apes? All good subjects I could expound upon, but I'm not a cultural or media critic (by trade), nor do I aspire to be. That would require time spent reviewing poor quality art, and life is too short for the bullshit. Plus, I watched Amanda Diva crash and burn being lukewarm at both. Why the dig? Follow @ChairmanFrog on Twitter and I'll gladly tell you. ;o)