Swamp Up or Sit Down

Swamp Up or Sit Down!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Day 17

Earlier this week, I was in a cipher and a friend said it takes 21 Days to break a bad habit. I've been in more ciphers since, so that's not the habit for me. However, I have been making a conscious effort to change my outlook and small habits. The first, which I've been adamant to speak about, is the adoption of "Precision of Language". I've mastered it in text, but I also want to translate that into speaking and even thee raps. I have been adverse to blogging and have resisted it, but as I get to writing more songs, I see it is going to be necessary to organize my thoughts. The ultimate reason I'm trying is because not trying hasn't gotten me anywhere. I'm not going to make any Floyd Mayweather jokes,  but I know that somewhere people still like to read.

But what to write?

On the Internet, everyone is an expert on everything! Everyone's got talent, promoting and hustling... AND THEN CAME TWITTER.


The advent of Twitter into my life poisoned the desire to yammer in long discourse for the faceless ears of The Internet. There's too many people out there for someone to care about you.

But it did not die. In fact, in thrived with the sole desire to subdue @ChairmanFrog (and his 800+ Following) for the profit of "Ted Roe" and Swamp Inc. as a whole. One obstacle I foresee is that I'm used to writing prose as my full government name. At best, just "Theo", or "Theodore" for a lady. In writing this, I realize the urge is to show "the audience" the whole person.  If nothing else, it's practice.

So... What to write?

Poems? Blah.

Random thoughts?

We see how that turned out in the previous blogs. Maybe even this one. A journal format is too personal? Isn't becoming personable the point? Especially for an audience willing to read the mundane thoughts of someone else for entertainment. What if they aren't mundane? What if we give this purpose and direction? There's published video with more to come. This is just a more intimate outlet. 

Current Events?

Here's the thing. Being honest with myself, while I stay up on the current news, especially anything that has to do with the newest show of White Power and Privilege in these United States of America... I just want to get this rap money, propel Swamp Inc and it's Parent Company into the upper millions and then become a serial monogamist.

I said it. Welcome to Thee Roe Show.

Anyways... What to write?

I'm really bored with any idea that I have to be a model black man in society when they will apprehend to murder you for walking down the street and looking wary of their presence. The saddest part of that last sentence is that I don't have to specify that I'm talking about the police or even the KKK at this point. It's a mental disease. They are the patient and we're the are the casualty. Which leads me to two points: Why be afraid to express yourself with the little time you may have to express yourself? I'm a good lyricist, but I'm in the struggle to be an entire MC and Musician. That's takes time that I'm not guaranteed under these conditions.

...and that's HOW I will write.

I named this The Chairman's Log because I felt anyone who cared enough to read it deserved to know. But if you don't write it, how can they read it?

Just pick a subject and attack it. Gator Bites.

Day 17. New Habits.

- Theezus Frog.